Experience the timeless magic of a fairy tale crafted by Madame de Villeneuve in an era when personal desires defined the very heartbeat of life. It tells the story of a narcissistic prince, whose fate fate is bound to a fragile flower that, petal by petal, draws the curse closer to its end. This flower becomes a symbol of our time. With every petal that gently falls to the ground, the "enchantment" of our society advances – a process fueled, as the American cultural anthropologist Clifford Geertz observes, by technological progress. In a world that becomes ever more rational and explainable, belief in the mystical and the sacred fades. Yet this enchantment leaves behind an emptiness. Where faith wanes, a new longing blooms. And so the fairy tale returns, as powerful as ever, to remind us: Magic still exists if we dare to see it.
Volha Kastsel, director and choreographer
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